
Sunday 7 September 2014

Just horsing around!

Hiya everyone

I was given a very nice gift last week from Mike's neice.  She started University last year and went travelling earlier this year to China, her boyfriend is Chinese so she stayed with his parents and also with friends.  She came back last week and had a massive clear out and gave me this River Island Horse Print bag...actually I think its more of a Unicorn than horse but oh well...I love it!

I first saw this bag in her room a couple of years ago and I used to always say how nice it was.  She is only 20 so a lot younger than me but we have always got on well.  I have known her since she was 2 years old as that was when Mike and I met.  We used to go shopping together and always had a laugh. 

I do love this bag and its such a nice gesture.

I really miss her not living closer but she has to move on with her life and she is really enjoying University.

I am a sucker for prints whether its cats, foxes, hearts, bows or butterflies and now horses...I love them all! 



  1. Very pretty bag! And how lovely of her x

  2. What a sweet thing to do! I agree with you- fun animal prints are great! I saw a really cute foxprint bag yesterday and was tempted though managed to resist! Your horse bag is super!
    Oh, and I did an installment of 'What is it?' last week which you may have missed ;-) Tee hee!!!

  3. Oh, that bag i adorble, I love horse print and unicorns (and RI) so this is perfect, lucky you xxx

  4. Lovely print! I have a white scarf with blue horses, in fact I wore it today and it's pretty similar to your print, except they're not unicorns!

  5. Super pretty. I have loads of horse print things as I am something of a horse lover!

  6. I love this bag - it's definitely unicorns. I haven't used mine for shamefully long, though.


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