
Monday 27 January 2014

The feminine touch - new bedroom buys and updated photos!

Hello everyone

We finally got around to having wooden flooring put down all through the ground floor of the house last week and it makes such a looks really amazing. 

As we we were having this done I decided to buy a few new things for the house like rug, curtains, new curtain rails and a new floor lamp and the living room looks beautiful now I am so proud of it.   I will try and take some photos when I get chance.

With that in mind I also wanted to get some new curtains for our bedroom which we decorated last year. 

I was looking online and came across these curtains in the sale they were originally £89.00 reduced to £32.  I think they are stunning but I did wonder if they were too girly.  I spoke to Mike and he said have the bedroom how you want it so I ordered them.  They arrived the very next day and they look totally gorgeous and really expensive.  They are like a soft pink satin look.  I bought them from


Unfortunately they had sold out of the matching bedding which I wish I could get too as its stunning



While I was in Primark last week I saw this rose print fluffy throw which I also purchased for our bedroom.  You cannot see from the photo but it has like a rosebud design and its so fluffy and warm.

and I also saw this ginger cat cushion and had to buy it!  How gorgeous :)

Here are some updated photos of the bedroom:

the bedding and cushions are all from Primark, I love the house items in Primark!
The canvas photo is a christmas present from my gorgeous neice. She took a photo of Tommy and had it blown up on canvas for us.  I cried when I opened this present it was so thoughtful and a way to always remember him :)

This chest of drawers is from Dunelm Mill.   

My shelf which has the tv and my accessories/jewellery. 

Its not quite finished yet as my laptop died on me and so I had to get my old pc out and put it on my chest of drawers!!! I hate this as I used to have all my jewellery and pretty things on here.  I need to get another laptop soon as my old pc is so slow as well!

Poor Mike, its not a very masculine room is it lol! This is the only room in the house that is pink though!!!

I will try and take some more photos when its exactly how I want it and I will try and take some photos of the living room/kitchen etc.  I am so happy we have finally got around to doing the house as we have had to live with it not being that nice for a few years!
I did actually manage to also buy some clothes in Primark too which I shall put in a separate post.

Take care



  1. You have some nice new things here! I also bought a throw from Primark last summer, it is the softest thing!

  2. It's sooooo preeettty!!! My husband would NEVER let me choose pink curtains. Love that pillow and the canvas of your beloved kitty is SO sweet! I wish I could get one done of my Sophie (who died a long while ago!)x

  3. Your bedroom is so 'you' but not very Mike, hehe! I love your pink theme, it looks splendid :) x

  4. Your bedroom is gorgeous! Those curtains are so pretty.
    Wooden floor makes such a difference. x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  5. Ah what a thoughtful Christmas gift from you niece, I'm not surprised you cried.
    I love the bedroom, it a perfect sanctuary!

    Gems x
    <a href=">Fashion, Well Done</a>

  6. It looks lovely Lisa, really pretty. I saw that cat cushion this week and thought of you!
    Thank you for my award, i'll try and get it done and send you the link x

  7. Aww what a lovely room. The cat cushion is lovely and I simply adore the canvas of tommy, what a lovely thought. Xx


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