
Friday 2 May 2014

Life lately............

Hiya lovelies

Sorry for such a long time in between posting but once again I have been illl!  I have had a terrible stomach virus since Tuesday, it was a pretty horrible virus too I won't give you the gory details (and they were gory!) but I am sort of on the mend.  I am feeling much better but have not ate since Monday night.  I woke up Tuesday morning in agony and feeling horrendous.  I  am feeling a lot better today however I tried some dry toast and it gave me a bad stomach ache so it looks like 4 days without eating!
The only positive thing is I have lost a lot of weight and my clothes look much nicer on but I am scared as I don't want to put it back on so once I start eating properly I am going to definitely be careful with what I eat and look after myself more. 
I am awaiting results as to what the virus was which I should find out next week.

Anyway on to nicer things and I had a lovely bargain a few weeks ago I got this pretty Pussycat dress for just 99p from Ebay.

This dress is lovely and really nice quality I cannot believe I got it for just 99p.  Sorry about the picture quality though I don't think it shows how nice the dress really is.

Anyway hope we have some nice weather this bank holiday?  What are you up to over the bank holiday weekend?

Take care



  1. I hope this is the end of your run of poorly-ness! Norovirus is doing the rounds at the moment- I'm so glad I'm off work as it's running rampant around the surgery! xx

  2. Oh no, poor you!!! Hope you are better soon x

  3. Love the dress, it's gorgeous!

    So sorry you've been poorly, look after yourself at the weekend and get your strength back


  4. Oh you poor thing, glad it is coming to an end x

  5. Sorry to hear you've not been well Lisa, hope you feel better soon.

    Love the dress, very cute xx

  6. Take care! It's a nice dress, hope it makes you feel better!

  7. Ooh Lisa, that sounds just awful - I hope you feel better soon!
    At least you have this super cute dress to cheer you up.

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  8. Hope you feel better soon! A 99p bargain should make you feel better! x

  9. I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. Stomach viruses are horrible :(
    Lovely dress and what a bargain! x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life


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