
Saturday 29 May 2010

Another Primark spree

I think I am addicted to Primark! eek

I popped into town yesterday, hubby finished work at 1.30am Saturday morning so he did not want to come into town with me so I left him and Thomas (our cat) to their sleep. It was good really as I spent 3 hours in Primark lol, he would have been moaning!. He's a real mans man and hates shopping with a passion! Anyway I only went into town to get some girlie things, shampoo, conditioner and make up etc and thought I would pop into Primark I did not want too spend too much as I am saving for our holiday but ended up buying a few things..!

Bird Dress

I love love love this dress, its so flattering and will look great summer with pumps or winter with opaques/leggings, boots and a cardi.

Cream lace tunic

This looks so much better on than on the hanger. I would wear a vest top underneath it and a cardi over it. Its looks fab...very feminine and pretty and very me! The photo does not do it justice!

Floral fitted blouse

Ideal for work with with a black pencil skirt and a waist belt.

These earrings (they look a bit Pat Butcher in the photo) but as I have long hair you can only see a small part of them and they look nice.

And last but not least these pretty pumps.

They are a nude/pink but they had them in black and grey too and I wish I had brought the grey also! hmmm might have to go back later in the month.

After I showed Mike my buys (he was so thrilled..not) he always says I look really lovely though! I treated him to lunch out, he was quite tired he really does work such long hours. Its not the same showing guys your buys as they just go 'oh yeah thats nice' but females get more excited...guys just don't understand a female mind! lol

I also received these shoes through the post, I brought them from Sadie blog sale.

They are ideal for work and a bargain price - thanks Sadie xx

And I won a pair of tan boots from Faith on Ebay for the grand sum of 99p..bargain!

I don't know what we are doing over the weeklend but we may go out Monday if the weather is nice.

What are your plans?


  1. Great buys :) I bought that bird dress also Its lovely XO

  2. Really pretty pumps and courts!

  3. Hmm i'm not sure if my first comment worked? I love the bird print dress and those pumps are so cute! xx

  4. that tunic with swallows is sooo pretty! it reminds me of Miu Miu's pink shoes...and bird prints are totally in fashion right now!

    Love your blog...pls drop by mine too when you have some time. Maybe we can follow each other =)


  5. Oh my god I love that swallow dress and the blouse- I was in there a couple of days ago, how did I not see them!? I need to go in there with you some time!! Looking at your pic of Thomas my little ginger cat is very like him! I can't wait to get him (and the adorable black kitten) I've been waiting so long to get a cat!! xx

  6. Susan, Yes we will have to meet up I will email you xx

  7. I know what you mean. My boyfriend just doesn't have the enthusiasm for clothes and accessories that I do! haha. Great buys! Love the bird dress! x

  8. Glad you liked the heels :). Nice buys xx

  9. The first dress is perfect! I want it ;)



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