
Monday 19 November 2012

Beauty Blogger Tag ♥

Hello ladies

Hope you are all well.  I am so sorry I meant to post photos of my new coat! I will try and get around to doing it sometime this week.

I saw this tag on someone's blog and thought I would give it a go

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

Its really long has some natural wave.

2. What is your natural hair color?

Dark brown, although I was white blonde as a child so I don't know what happened! 

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?

I never dye it, I did a patch test of a box dye and came out in a small rash so I am too scared now.  I have sensitive skin.  I used to use V05 Colour mousse which was safe and I loved it as it just gave it a richer colour but then they stopped making it! Been looking for a replacement ever since. 

4. How often do you wash your hair?

Every other day.

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?

I never wear my hair up although Mike and others say it suits me but I feel prefer it down. I do wear hair slides, bands and sonetimes I plait the top by the fringe. 


6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?

I do them myself.

7. How often to you change your nail polish?

Every few days, depends on when it gets chipped

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?

yes, always.  I hate unpolished toe nails!

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
15-20 mins for an everyday face but probably 40 mins if I'm going out somewhere special!

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?

Face, then eyes then lastly lips

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
I don't really collect it I usually buy it when its ran out unless I want to try a new product.

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
I've never worn them, I am too scared I would get glue in my eye....

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?

Yes, I hate my skin so have to wear make up every day unfortunately.  I would not open the front door without it!

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?


15. Will you leave the house without makeup?

Never ever ever, not on your nelly!

16. How many high end products do you have?
Probably 1, I tend to choose products not tested on animals. I prefer to spend money on clothes and accessories rather than make up!

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?

Not as much as I should!

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?

Usually I do it the night before but then somedays I put it on and think 'no I don't like that' and change.

19. How often do you change your handbag?

Now and again not very often really. 

20. What time do you get up and go to sleep?

I get up at between 6-7 depending on what time I have to be in work and go to bed around 10ish

21. How often and when do you workout?

Well...because I don't have a car at the momet I have not been going to the gym...and don't I notice it!  I am getting a car soon so will definitely be going back.
When I was at my slimmest I went to the gym 3 times a week but looking back now although my body looked good my face looked too thin.

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?


23. How tall are you?

5ft 3ins

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
No, I would love to though

25. How many pets do you have?

Yes, one cat

26. How often are you on Blogger?

Not as often as I should.

27. Do you read the comments posted blogs?

I read every single comment. I don't reply to them all as its usually a time thing but I do try to reply as much as I can. If people ask me a specific question I will reply. :)

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?

Yeah definitely all the time.  I am a 'list' girl I write lists for everything.  As soon as I see something on someone's blog I will write it down! I even put alarms on my phone as reminders ha ha

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well...I am a brunette, I have to admit I love being brunette and have never wanted to be blonde I just don't think it would suit me. I thought diaries as its more of a diary than anything else. 

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?

I have a Panasonic Lumix digital camera,

31. How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)

Because I work full time I usually clean at the weekend and maybe once in the that bad??

32. What is your favorite color? did you guess!

33. What is your favorite beauty/fashion magazine?

Look or Reveal

34. Do you swear?

No, I really don't like it at all.  I don't mind people swearing around me I just would not use that language myself.  I suppose I was just never bought up around people who swore as my parents were very anti bad language!  

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day? 

Watcing TV, exercising and reading.  I am in the middle of a Linwood Barclay book and I cannot put it down. I am going to watch 999 Whats your emergency later.  I love this programme but it does have a lot of bad language in lol :)

Feel free to do the tag and post your links below, I'd love to see everyone's answers



  1. Great wee post doll! My hair has got darker when I got older so maybe that's why? Brunettes are the best! ;-)

  2. It's always nice to read tags, it's helping to know each others :)
    I posted mine on

  3. A great read, I love being nosey! x

  4. My hair also changed colour (darker) as I got older. But I am a hairdye addict! Many people don't even know my natural colour haha!


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