
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Moaner Lisa!

Sorry I promised an outfit post today but to be honest I am having a rubbish day.  I don't want to go on and moan but I am just having one of those days where nothing looks right, my hair looks a mess and I feel 2 stone overweight plus also I have no job and I have heard nothing about the interview I was meant to be having on Thursday.
I just feel like going back to bed and being miserable all day!

Yesterday I took a dress back to H&M that I bought a couple of weeks ago that I had gone off, to be honest I was never sure about it so did not put it on my blog.  I think in future I should just stick to my gut instinct when buying things. 

I bought this top which is really pretty on.


I also bought some toiletries etc
I am going to Matalan tomorrow as I want to have a look at this dress, isn't it gorgeous. I was going to go today but I am not in the right frame of mind.

Sorry to be such a misery I will be more cheery tomorrow...I promise!

Also I have all the things for my giveaway so I shall be doing this soon.



  1. The dress is really pretty :), hope you feel a little brighter tomorrow xxx

  2. :( Hope you feel better soon. The dress is very pretty, hope it suits you and you like it!

  3. Thanks Sadie I am ok just you know one of those days x

  4. cute dress! and chin up Lisa! :)

    Julia @ Retro Jules

  5. I hope you feel better, its horrible having days like that. vicki x

  6. Aw hun, big hug!!!

    Ive just bought that dress! :) xx

  7. The dress from Malatan is fab! As is your new H&M top :) Good shopping

  8. Sorry you're feeling down. Can you ring the interviewers and ask if it's still going ahead? It may help put your mind at rest.
    I hate days like that, we all get them. You are beautiful with great hair and a fab body, feel better soon. x

  9. Aww, I hate having days like that. Hope your feeling better soon.

    The matalan dress looks gorgeous! xx

  10. aw,i do hope you feel better soon!

  11. I would ring the company, I had to do that to one recently as they hadn't sent me through the email with the details, the man had just forgotten. Good luck and best wishes for the interview, and I hope you feel better in yourself soon.
    You've helped me a lot with your kind words lately and im very greatful.

    vicki xx

  12. hope you're feeling better by now xxx

  13. I hope you're feeling better tomorrow


  14. I saw that Matalan dress instore, its very pretty.
    I hope you're feeling better, i really hate days like this! x

  15. Love that dress, love the scallop detail! Good luck with job hunting! x

  16. Hi Lisa-Jane

    Thankyou so much for your message, im trying to stay strong and have only just started to feel that whole way. I thought you might like to know that my mother had me at 38- i was her first child, with absolutely no complications, and she had another two after me- the oldest at 45! She is a young spirit, has great fun with my teenage siblings, is in good health and thought she would never have children, not because she didnt want them but because of circumstance. It is never to late, and if that is something you want in your life, and is right for your life I hope you get to make it happen. There are too many unwanted children for someone who wants to be a mother not to be.

    Thankyou SO much for your lovely words, they made me tear up whilst reading.

    Vicki xxx

  17. how rotten, I hope you're having a better day today x


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