
Saturday 13 August 2011

Shop until you drop!

I am a shopaholic I know am I swear I am...I just love shopping.
If I could shop all day every day I would be the happiest person ever!

I loved the film Confessions of a Shopaholic, I think I am just like Rebecca when she describes that feeling you get when you walk into a store...its addictive!  I think maybe I should have worked in fashion although I don't think I am am a 'fashion follower' as I tend to stick to things that suit me, and whilst they maybe are in fashion I don't always go after the the latest craze! 

I think I have to be careful though as I could literally spend all my wages on clothes and go without food lol.

My mother told me I should remember this when I go shopping:

Do I really need it?
Can I afford it?
When will I wear it?

Do I actually think of these when I am shopping?  NO!

I think as long as you don't get into debt and you can afford the items then whats wrong with retail therapy.  I don't own any credit cards so therefore I cannot get into debt and I don't have an overdraft as I hate those things.

Do you feel great when you go shopping?

Could you shop all day every day?



  1. Oh Lisa I am with you all the way! I love the feeling of some thing new, even if it's just new to me! Nothing beats it.

    Some people love drugs, I love shoes!

    Some people love booze, me I'm happy with a thrifted item or two!

    I do ask myself the questions your mom has told you and believe me they do work. But also, a little like yourself I will buy things then decide I either don't like them, need them or want them and take them back for a refund.

    You never know one day we might win thousands and we can have a huge shopping spree! I promise to take you if I ever do...

    Well a girl can dream can't she?!

    X x

  2. Oh yes, it's the best feeling in the world ;). Like you said though as long as you're sensible, have savings etc then i see no harm in it :).

    Sadie xx

  3. ha ha love how that rhymes Trayci.

    I know exactly what you mean an item does not have to be brand new! xx

    Sadie - I know I often think god if I had been a boy how would I have coped not having pretty dresses etc lol

    Glad I am not alone ladies lol

  4. I have to say I'm really the opposite. I think if I bought anything on the high street I'd feel terrible about it. Buying stuff on ebay and charity shops gives me a warm feeling of 'spent almost nothing, got something nice', but I'm not thrilled by parting with money. I count myself lucky I don't have the spending bug.

  5. I lOVE shopping too. When I go shopping, I just feel like i have to leave with something. I hate to go home without getting anything. Sigh, if only money grew on trees lol.

  6. i do feel great when i go shopping, heck even if it's just window shopping! :D Just the POSSIBILITY of having it makes me feel good! LOL

    Could i shop everyday all day? Even if i had unlimited money no....i get tired and i'd soon feel bad and find that i could be spending the money on some much other awesome things like education and charity work<---what a tree hugging nerd i am! XD

  7. I LOVE SHOPPING! I studied fashion, worked in fashion and I've always worked in retial store. I get 50% off and I get to go shopping 38 a week whilst working :)

  8. I love shopping too, but I'm strange because I only like shopping by myself... If I go shopping with friends there's always a feeling of being rushed, and sometimes I am too self-conscious to try something on if I think my friends won't like it - I'm silly I know! But I just love being able to wander around town by myself, looking at whatever I want. Sadly my purse does not love it!

  9. I love that cat!!
    I love charity shopping, car boots and jumbles but couldn't do it every day. x


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