
Wednesday 24 August 2011

Outfit of the Day - Cloudy skies

This outfit reminds me of cloudy days as its navy, grey and white!
I do feel this dress is more of a winter dress and looks great with opaques and boots.

Navy Dress - H&M
Grey shoes, grey belt and white top - Primark

Hubby gets home about 5pm and he just rang me to say he is going to take me out for dinner only to one of the local pubs but still its nice to eat out.

Last weekend I was thinking that I do spend a lot of money on clothes. Don't get me wrong I am not in debt and I can afford to buy things but I worry that maybe I should save more.

These are the rules I am going to follow to try to cut down on the spending a bit, it does not mean I will stop spending altogether but maybe just not as much.

1) Everytime I get a few spare £1 or £2 coins I am going to save them in a jar.

2) Have a few days a week where I spend absolutely nothing. This is easy at the moment as I am not working.

3) I have my hair trimmed every 8 weeks but I want to grow my hair longer anyway so I am going to cut this down to every 14 weeks....yeah my hair may look a mess for a couple of weeks but this will save me money and my hair will get longer quicker.

4) Ebay everything I no longer wear, need or use. (I already am doing this)

5) Everytime I buy something new thats over £10.00 I have to sell something. I sort of already do this too!

6) Visit the supermarket at night (we do this a lot too, not really late but after 5pm they reduce their prices on certain items

7) Never go shopping when I am do spend more!

8) I have a mobile on pay as you go so therefore I am going to try to send more emails instead of texts.

What do you think? Whats your tips for saving money?



  1. these are great tips!!! hope you can follow all of them
    some tips i can think of are
    1)i cut my own hair
    2)turn off electrical stuff when not using them
    3)use coupons
    4)stay away from expensive friends (so much peer pressure aha)
    you are already doing a great job by selling stuff online though. good luck :).

  2. My best tip is for food shopping. I do ours online which stops impulse purchases, and i also buy exactly what we need, i plan meals, it saves so much waste! x

  3. good thinking with the tips. i decided to make use of the various piggy banks i have received over the yrs, and set one up for £1 and £2 coins, one for silver and one for coppers, and when they get full i will bank them..hopefullly.

  4. I`m really bad for spending. I`m a SAHM so most days pop out to town or the supermarket and end up spending.
    I love clothes, jewellery, shoes, bags, craft bits, trinkets, makeup, scarfs everything girly really! A trip to town always includes a cappacino in the coffee bar too. After reading your post I am going to try and cut this down and save more using coupons etc.
    I`m trying to grow my hair after having it cut and not liking the style at all. I could cry really when I think about my lovely long hair.

  5. Pretty dress Lisa :).

    Good luck with the money saving, i'm doing the same too. I find keeping a spending diary helps, write down absolutely everything you spend, you can then see clearly what you're spend money on, makes you really think if you need everything on the list, then enables you to see things which can be cut out. Good luck xx

  6. great money saving tips!

    and I love your dress!

    Jules @ A Bit of Jules

  7. Hiya, I sell things on ebay and then the things add up and go in to my paypal, i then spend my "shopping fund" in places that accept paypal online, like Dorothy perkins and New look etc :)
    Also online supermarket shopping is great, compares all the main supermarkets to get you the cheapest shopping!


  8. I have been thinking about imposing rules for my spending. I really like your idea here, it sounds very sensible x

  9. Lovely dress and a great plan. There's some great tips, especially Sadie's of keeping an expenditure diary. I used to be terrble for buying bits and bobs in my lunch hour and buy writing it all down I realised how much I was frittering away on "bargains" and stopped.
    Mine are:
    1. Only go to town once a week, armed with a list of what you actually need and only ever pay for it with cash. It's a lot harder parting with real money than flashing the plastic.
    2. Cut and colour your own hair.
    3. Only buy toiletries when you're about to run out, don't be tempted with special offers.
    4. Bag up any makeup and nail polish you don't wear/doesn't suit you and swap it with a friend.
    5.Make a meal plan of what you're going to eat throughout the week, write a list of what you need and stick to it.
    6. Avoid magazines, they are just glorified advertisments designed to make you feel inadequate about what you own and making you want to buy more.

  10. Oooooh those all sound really good ideas! I tend to take money out for the week and once thats gone its gone. Also I have a terumundi pot (sorry that spelling may be wrong) you fill them but they dont have a bottom so you have to smash them to get into them, really good for saving for something big because you want want to smash it just for a £5.00!

    G-~Unit xxx


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