
Thursday 20 January 2011

This or That?

Firstly a lovely photo of our cat Thomas.
Thomas is such a lovely cat he has his own little personality and makes me laugh with his little quirks.

I saw this tag on blog and thought I would do it.

Sweet or Savoury?
hmm both. I am more of a sweet person though!

Dresses or Jeans?
Dresses definitely. I love dresses and have loads of them. I ionly have 2 pairs of jeans I am not very keen on them.

House or apartment?

Shop Online or Offline?
I prefer going shopping with friends or alone because to me its the whole going out having lunch and having a girly gossip plus I love the fact that you can try things on. I also like online shopping because I think you can get some great bargains without crowds of people and long queues.

DVDs or Downloads?
DVDs. I am not really into technology and downloading etc.

Cocktails or juice?
Juice. I love pineapple juice.

Laptop or PC?
Well I have a PC at the moment but my parents have a laptop they are giving me as they don't need it anymore.

Chocolate or strawberry?
Chocolate....I love chocolate!

Magazines or Newspapers?
Magazines however I do read online newspapers.

Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook - I don't use Twitter. But I am not addicted to either!

CDs or MP3s?

Kids or Pets?
Pets...they love you unconditionally and I love animals. My cat Thomas is my little baby.

Macaroon or Cupcakes?
Cupcakes yummy I have never eaten a macaroon I don't think!

Walk or Run?
Walk.....I culd never run in fact they used to laugh at me at school as I ran like a girly wimp lol! I am a girly wimp ha ha

Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
I like both. Breakfast in bed is lovely but I do like going out for breakfast too.

Market or Supermarket?

Sourdough or Grainy?
Not sure what this is, is it bread??

Heels or Flats?
Both but for different occasions. I like medium heels for work, high heels for evenings out and special occasions and flats for shopping and casual days.

Late nights or Not?
I am not a late night person really I get so tired by 10:30pm.

Coffee or Tea?
I like both but my coffee is just hot milk with a hint of coffee. I do love tea as well!

Tag yourself to do this if you like and leave me a comment and I can have a look at your answers, I am nosey like that!



  1. Thomas is so gorgeous, I just want to tickle his white tummy.
    Loved reading this. xxx

  2. your cat is so damn cute! nomnomnom. totally with you on pets over cats haha xxx

  3. I do the same thing with my coffee! (I also add a million Splenda packs, but that's a whole other story. LOL!) My husband drinks his black, which I could never do. He's hardcore! Ha ha!

    I'm now craving a caramel frapp and white chocolate mocha. Yum!


  4. I love reading these type of things. It's so interesting to see your answers. And Thomas is sweet. It looks like he has a grin on his face :)

  5. aww , such a sweet cat . i like this post . i love tea and did u know pineapple juice is suppose to freshen the breath ?


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