
Monday 3 January 2011

The New Year Fitness bug

I know its a new year and people always make new years resolutions and fail to stick to them but I have started a diet.....(oh yeah I hear you say that will last 2 minutes!!), but this time I feel different this time I am determined I will succeed. I have got my willpower back and I know I can do it.

I had a massive wake up call on Boxing Day. We went to my in-laws and they have a set of scales (which we did't have) so I weighed myself and I was disgusted with what my weight was. I am so ashamed I cannot even tell you as I feel so embarassed and angry with myself for getting to this size.

About 5 years ago I was about 9-9 and a half stone and I am only 5ft 3ins I was going to aerobic classes 3 times a week and I was so toned and fit. I was a size 8-10.

Over the past 5 years I was diagnosed with an Under Active Thyroid (not that thats the only thing to blame for my weight gain), but it has not helped plus as I have been depressed so therefore I have been eating a lot of junk food and I did not realise how it has been creeping up on me.

Now 5 years on I am a 12 and if I don't stop I will be a size 14 before I know it and I am so scared! Please don't get me wrong I am not saying a size 14 is fat but for me I feel a lot heavier and a lot bigger than I used to be and I don't like it at all. I have no body confidence at the moment I absolutely hate looking in the mirror.

I have ordered this DVD from Amazon it was only £3.99 and it has 5 ten minute workouts so I am going to at least try and do it 4 - 5 times a week I have the time so I have no excuse and I have done it before I can do it again.
I know I can do this now I feel ready and I have the willpower and everytime I feel like eating junk food I look at old photos and it will remind me of what I can achieve.

We are planning to go back to Tenerife in July and I plan to have got back to an 8-10 by then I think this is a realistic goal and if I can shed the weight before July then even better.

I also went out yesterday and brought a set of digital scales so therefore I can keep a note of my weight.
I have measured my whole body and made a note of it, I am not going to publish this as I am so ashamed but when I have lost the weight I will publish the figures.

The thing is I think by writing this on my blog it will make me want to succeed even more.

I am not going to be just another person who starts a new year diet and gives up in 2weeks this is going to work for me.

Sorry I know this is a long self indulgent post but writing this has helped me to get this off my mind as I have been so upset the last few days.

The dress ordered from ASOS I brought in a S/M deliberately so I will get into this by summer. I still have not receved it yet as I ordered it on the super saver so it takes a while.

I have so many clothes I can still get into but they are so tight. I want to be able to wear them again but feel great in them.

I shall keep you posted on my progess.

Thanks for reading!

Lisa-Jane xx


  1. Good luck with it all. I decided last Easter to lose weight and become happier about the way I looked- 3 months later I was a 18lbs lighter and 3 sizes smaller.

    I've kept it all off and have started going to a scary spit and sawdust gym to get my now skinny butt kicked into toned tushy.

    I have a picture of my perfect body on my laptop desktop and on my fridge. I find it serves as a reminder for what I want to achieve.

    Good luck and get dancing!


  2. Good luck! I'm also planning to lose some weight, as I seem to have put on loads over Christmas! xx

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I feel the same way about my self like you do. I am now size 12 going on 14. it is scary because a year and a half ago I was size 8. I am too ashamed of my body I even did not bother buying clothes in sale for my self this winter, because I am planning to loose my weight. I know i can do it because I did it before when I was exactly the same size as now. I lost 10kg just in 3 months. I had to change my diet and exercise 4 times a week. I realised now that for me to stay thin I have to exercise regularly. Moreover, when I was exercising I was a lot happier than I am now.
    Good luck, Lisa-Jane! I know you can do it! :)

  4. Good luck honey, I understand being uncomfortable and needing to change for YOU. As long as it's healthy and you have realistic goals then I wish you all the best! x

  5. I hope you are able to achieve your goals. And you seem very determined so I know that you can do it!


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