
Monday 31 January 2011

I'm in the orange!

Today I had to pop to the doctors so I thought I may as well have a look around a few shops.

I popped into H&M and picked up this lovely orange cardigan.
The colour is so vibrant and I love the crochet around the neck. It goes really well with a few of my floral dresses. It will look lovely for this summer and I think orange definitely suits me!

I brought a pair of black leggings for £7.99. H&M have some good leggings that are a bit thicker than the £5.99 ones and they are a really good fit.
Also brought the bow earrings from H&M and the pinky earrings were in the sale in Boots.

In Boots I brought some ceramic curling tongs which were only £11, I was a bit dubious as to whether they would be any good but they do actually work really well.

Last night I watched PS I love You, I had not read the book and not seen the film before. I thought it was a lovely film. I cried most of the way through it and I have to admit I fancied her husband who died and the irish guy she met in Ireland was pretty nice. I do love the irish accent too northern and southern!
I am going to have to buy this on DVD now, such a nice film.
Mike wasn't interested though he fell asleep ha ha, not really a mans film!




  1. Love the cardigan, really pretty xx

  2. Oooh what a lovely cardigan. How much was it? Hope they have it in other colours too :D
    Glad you managed to find some curling tongs that work.

    Awww P.S I love you, I love that film. It's so sad, my fiancé once watched it with me and quite enjoyed it. I agree with your admiration for Gerard Butler, I think it's the accent that quite adds to his appeal. He's a really good actor too, I'd recommend Law Abiding Citizen if you haven't seen it, not a girly film but such a good film.

  3. Gorgeous cardi Lisa, i have one from there the same but with cream around the neck, its so lovely. I also love their leggings, its where i got my maternity ones from and i wore them constantly xx

  4. That cardi is beautiful, lovely against your dark hair. I'm not keen on romantic films but wasn't Gerald Butler in PS I Love You? He was gorgeous in the 300. xxx

  5. That cardi is a gorgeous colour,

    my local boots has loads of reduced jewellery...I'm trying so hard to resist!

  6. Love the colour of that cardi, perfect for summer! x

  7. love the cardi colour, v pretty. I read the book but my tv failed to record the film, sooo cross!

  8. Love that orange color...I have a feeling its gonna be big this spring!

  9. i'm jealous you have an h&m! sooo cute!



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