
Friday 15 April 2011

A couple of Topshop buys!

Hello everyone

I had a little spend in Topshop today, to be honest I don't usually go in Topshop very often I usually buy things online from there as the Topshop nearest to me is not that good but the one in Cabot Circus in Bristol is brilliant. I have now become a bit hooked on it as I saw so many other things I want in there!

Mint Sleeveless Bow Tunic dress

They also had it in white and I may have to go back and get the white one too. I love the colour of the mint one.

and these hair slides which were £6.50 reduced to £1.50. I love the pretty summer colours.

I have not been feeling too well lately last night I went to bed at 9pm where I was so tired. My anaemia is really bad so I think thats why I feel so drained.



  1. Cute buys and bargain on the hair slides!
    Hope you feel better soon xx

  2. I ADORE those hairties! I too have anaemia so i sympathise with you!!


  3. I returned my mint dress (the one above). I wasn't too keen on the fit, plus thought it looked a little cheap, something you could buy in Primark for £6, wasn't worth £22.50 imo.

    Cute clips :).

    Sadie x

  4. Oh I really like it Sadie I love the fit on me but I know what you mean its not worth £22.50.
    I find things like that if they were in Primark would be a worse fit if you know what I mean.

  5. I LOVE both items, especially that those hair clips are such a bargain!

  6. Honestly the fit was terrible for me :/, maybe it's because we have different shapes? Glad yours looks nice, i'm sure you look fab in it xx

  7. Thats a shame Sadie its probabaly because you are very slim and I am more curvy with a large chest. I do think it would suit larger chests lol. I would love to be able to wear higher necked things like you but unfortunately they look silly on me!


  8. Julia - its a horrible thing to have and iron tablets don't agree with me! I even tried the syrup and thats just yuck!
    I am itching all over mybody and have ulcers on my tongue and thats the side effects of anaemia plus extreme tiredness.

    Sadie - did you keep the other items you ordered from TS?

  9. Oh that dress is very pretty, lovely colour too. x

  10. That dress is gorgeous, perfect for summer! x

  11. Awww those slides are just adorable! Perfect for the summery days too with cute dresses!

    Sorry to hear your anaemia is giving you so many problems, is there anything the Drs can do? Up your iron dose or anything?

    Also, thankyou for your comment. The skinny belt was a freebie with the dress, good quality too I'd say!

  12. i love the unusual colour of the dress, and the little bow too. Those hair slides look so cute and great price for three.
    Have a great weekend x

  13. Ohmygod, i need that tunic in my life, its so nice!
    I'm with yoy on the anaemia, my iron levels were low after having Seb i seem to havr developed it, tiredness and dizzy spells. Horrible x

  14. Thanks for all your nice comments on my health.

    Sciencegeek - well I have difficulty taking iron so to be honest I have just been suffering with it!

    Em- yeah I think it would really suit your figure it does suit larger chests lol
    They had it in white and a chambray blue but I love the mint as its so different. I do want to get the white one too!

  15. awww get better soon! i love that dress and those clips - so pretty! i rarely find a bargain in my topshop but everyone else seems to find great things, i'll have to have another hunt! xx

  16. THe mint dress is grgeous! You'll have to post up a picture with you in the dress.

  17. I really adore that dress! Plus the colour is pretty amazing and so pretty for spring/summer.

    I've never been anaemic but I do have low iron so I can understand how bad that can make you feel sometimes.

  18. oh that dress so adooooorable!!!! Great colour too!

  19. I hope you're feeling better soon.
    I love when hair slides are reduced! Always resent paying £6+ for them but accessorize often reduce them to £2 or something which is good :D


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