
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Little Primark Summer haul

Hello fellow bloggers

Yesterday I had to pop into town for another appointment and I had to get the bus in as my car is on its last legs!   At the bus stop there were three guys working on the bus shelter and they were like 'typical lads'. They started chatting to me, they were from London and they were saying I had a lovely smile and that in there words ' I was a bit of alwright' and a 'sexy gal' lol.

I love the London accent and they were making me laugh. Anyway as I went to get the bus one of them was trying to give me his phone number! I politely said I am married to which he replied 'don't tell him'. I am not that sort of girl and would never do something like that anyway so I just got the bus. When I  came home guess who was at the returning bus stop, yeah thats right the cheeky fella's. I was mega embarassed (I am quite shy like that and not very good at flirting). Its always nice to get to be given nice compliments although they probably say it to all the girls!

Anyway going back to town, whilst I was there I decided to pop into Primark and have a quick look as I sold some stuff on ebay recently.  I ended up buying a few things but as it was from paypal funds its not like actually spending any money is it! ha ha

I got these tan bow sandals for £8.00. I totally love them. I am not a sandal person really purely because I have 'toe phobia' well of my toes anyway but  the bow covers my toes nicely and they are very pretty and tan goes with absolutely everything.

Denim waistcoat - I have been after one of these to wear with little summer tops and dresses. I like this one as it fits really well and I did not want too spend much on one. This was £12.00

Pink ditsy smock top - very pretty and I like it with the waistcoat 

Pink Bow stretch belt - I know I do have a skinny nude/pink bow belt but I like this one as its a bit wider.

If you shop at Tesco they are doing a deal at the moment where you can exchange your clubcard points for double the amount.  You can only spend it on clothing and a few other things. We always have loads of clubcard vouchers so I exchanged £10 in vouchers for £20 to spend online.
I ordered this navy ditsy dress as I really liked it when I saw it on the website last week. The photo does not do it justice as the the print is really pretty.



  1. Lovely purchases, those sandals are so pretty! x

  2. great buys, I love primark, they've got some really cute little denim jackets in there at the moment that I want xxx

  3. I try not to head into Primark, the temptation is too great! Cute buys, I really like those sandals

  4. Looks like you had a great shop. love the sandals.

    Isn't it great to get nice compliments? Plus it keeps your other half on his toes!

    x x

  5. Love the sandals, I may have to take a trip to Primark!

    It's nice to get compliments, but like you I never know how to react!

  6. I love everything you bought, I love the colour of the belt :) x

  7. Love the sandals, i have that exact belt but its from Topshop! x

  8. Awww the belt is so cute, did they have it in any other colours?xx

  9. I do love those sandals and the belt. Always so many lovely things.

    Haha and as for those guys...The compliments are always good for the self esteem :)

  10. It is nice to receive compliments, but I always feel really intimidated when people make gestures and comments like that haha.
    You got some lovely little things, perfect for the nice weather we're having :)

  11. such nice things, Love the ditsy top and the bow sandals, ever so cute x


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