
Monday 6 June 2011

Bargain of the week!

Today I had to go an appointment and happened to need the loo so I popped into M&S.  On the way out I noticed crowds of people gathering and wondered what was going on.  I happened to look over and noticed they were selling their shoes and boots for £3.00!  Most of the shoes were modern and young styles.

People were pushing and shoving each other to get to them which was a bit OTT and I did not have enough hands to carry too many but I picked these up in a 4 and a half. I take a 4 or 5 so these fit perfect.  They were originally £35.00 and are really good quality.

When I got to the till loads of women had these boots ha ha and one woman had a basket full of shoes in all different styles and colours!

Unfortunately there were another couple of brown boots and shoes which I would have liked but they only had size 3's and size 7's!

The sales assistants kept bringing more out so people were waiting around for more and as soon as the assistant came out she was mobbed.

Just goes to show the lengths people will go to for a bargain.

I am happy with my purchase though they are not the sort of boots I usually wear but they will be great in autumn/winter with opaques and dresses.



  1. great boots! Why do all the bargains happen when I'm ill in bed...?! :( x

  2. Our Marks and Spencer's do that, too. They only ever have 3's and 8's though, which makes me very disappointed. I'm glad you snalffled some, they look lovely. xxx

  3. I would have loved that pair and for £3? amazing. I'm the type to fight for a bargain. cringe. Nice one for getting these!

  4. Oooh these are like the ones they had in new look. I have a similar pair with a fur cuff.
    What a bargain but the way people were acting is ridiculous! I thought that only happened in American movies....thinking "Confessions of a Shopaholic" lol.

  5. SC - I know I mean I don't mind getting in to get the things but I would not barge people out of the way. Some women barged right into me and her hand was about a centimetre from my face..rude! I loved those NL ones with the fur cuff but never was able to get them!

  6. Wow. What a bargain! Don't agree with people knocking you out the way mind, that's a wee bit silly.

    X x

  7. bloody hell, insane bargain!

  8. Bargain central!!! You get some amazing buys! x

  9. Wow that really is a bargain! and they do look great on you! x


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