
Wednesday 23 February 2011

My mind has been made up for me...........

Firstly I want to say a big thankyou for all your kind comments. Today I received news from my current job which has made up my mind for me. Basically we are getting made redundant its so lucky that I had not handed my notice in because I have been at the company for about 9 years so I should get a good redundancy payment. Therefore I will have to decline the job I have been offered unless they are willing to wait until June which I dont think they will.

I am not too worried though the redundancy pay will be great as we have loads of work to do on our house plus I need a new car so this will come in handy
I may even treat myself to a nice handbag, nothing too expensive but something a bit special.

I am sure I will find another job and if the worse comes to the worse I will go temping.

I am just waiting for it in writing.
I could have applied for another job in the company but to be honest the job made me ill so I want to start again and do something else.

I am determined I want to get a job as a medical secretary so I will just keep applying.

Changing the subject I have a new food addiction, if you like rice pudding you will love these you can eat them hot or cold and they are not too high in fat. The apple one is the best it takes like apple crumble. They are ideal for a quick snack.

They are on offer at the moment at 3 for £1.00 in Tesco and Spar. I have been stocking up. I have not ate them cold but they are so nice when heated in the microwave.


  1. I'm glad things look to be working out. Fingers crossed you'll find your dream job soon.
    Zoe x

  2. Ooh we're in the same situation!! Good luck hunnie xx

  3. I'm glad you didn't have to stress too much. xxx

  4. Glad things have worked themselves out for you. Good luck on the job hunting front.
    Think I shall be picking some of these up if they are on offer as they are yummy! :)

  5. Lucky you waited, great opportunity to go for the job you really want! Good luck! x

  6. love muller rice too, 200mg of calcuim too :) xx

  7. Funny how things work out sometimes.

    and muller rice = amazeballs.

  8. Good luck in finding a new job that you really enjoy, i'm sure you'll find one :)
    I've never tried Muller Rice but the Apple one sounds really tasty!

  9. Good luck with the job hunting hun. At least like you said you will now have your redundency money to tide you over.

    x x

  10. Thank you for all your comments.

  11. phew that is lucky! sorry you're being made redundant but it seems like the perfect time to apply for your dream job now :) hope it all works out for you xxx


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