
Tuesday 3 May 2011

The long weekend


Hope you all had a fabulous long weekend.

On Saturday I went to Bath (as per my previous post) then Sunday we just stayed in and had a nice relaxing day.

Monday we we went out to look at things for the home and also decided to go to Pets at Home.

Thomas had a few goodies brought for him....

'an empty tummy is a sad tummy'

I had to buy this dish because it has the ginger cats around it...!

Also we bought Thomas some of his favourite treats, catnip drops and Dreamies. Thomas has a particular liking to rolling around all over the catnip drops before he actually eats them...obviously the aroma sends him a bit mad! ha ha.

My baby

We then decided to work on our back garden.  Neither of us are brilliant gardeners however one day I would like to have a nice garden but we need to get the house sorted first. I was thinking of getting a beginners book to gardening! I would love to have a garden full of pretty flowers.

Also this weekend I finished a book I was reading

if anyone has not read this I really recommend it.  Its such a brilliant read, it had me laughing and crying.
I love Sophie Kinsella's books I think I have most of them.

Oh and also on Friday (Royal wedding Day) we took another stray cat in. She was starving and wanted affection so we fed her and she stayed in our house on Friday night (well in the garage but she had a nice bed to sleep on).  My in laws took her to their house on Saturday and she has been there ever since! She has gone outside but has come back to them. They have nicknamed her Tilly May. They are taking her to the vets today to check if she is chipped.
I keep telling Mike I am going to end up one of those old ladies that has a house full of cats.

Lisa Jane


  1. What a cute kitty! Adorable. My sister's cat binges on the catnip in her garden then tries to catch birds... not very responsible but at least the birds always get away! ;)

  2. Bless you. It's not nice when you know that cat has no home.

    Sounds like you've had a busy few days. Love Thomas,he's so cute.

    X x

  3. hehe sounds like you had a good weekend, I love Sophie Kinsella books!

  4. Thomas is so gorgeous, I love his new dish!
    How fabulous about the new kitty, it makes up for the disapointment over the last one. xxx

  5. Hello, I found your blog via Please May I. I like it. Thomas is just gorgeous and yes, I am a brunette too.

  6. Aww, good to see someone else is as Kitty mad as me!
    I LOVE that plate- I am absolutely going to Pets at Home (AKA PetsRus in our household) asap to get one for my girls.
    How lovely that you took in the stray- I like to think these things happen for a reason, and the right kitties always find the right people in the end!

    xxx Maddie

  7. Lucky Thomas, i can never leave pets at home without something for the dogs and Seb likes going and watching the fish x

  8. aww your cat is soooo cute :) nomnom. that's so nice to take in the stray i know many people who would walk straight by xx

  9. Adorable cat! I love cats :D And I love Sophie Kinsella too, haven't read this one though and I must

  10. I know it's a cat bowl but I WANT!

  11. I don't like cats. We have a dog. Says it all. How thoughtful of you to take in a stray x

  12. Daisychain - ha ha yeah I think think that a human could use it!

    Sophie - Its funny but I think you are usually either a cat or a dog person. I grew up with both so I do love both.

  13. Your cat is so cute. He always looks like he is smiling at the camera. I think it's sweet that you always rescue cats :)

  14. awww the kitty is sooo cutee!!!
    I too love Sophie Kinsella books :) Haven't read one in long though. Have a lovely weekend.

    If you get time, do enter my giveaway:


  15. I have seen the shopaholic movie and wanted to know which other books of Sophie Kinsella do you recommend to read ?
    There isn't quite a selection at my nearby library but would love to know more of your picks .

    I really hope you feel better soon !
    sending you lots of positive energy

  16. Va - I love all the Sghopaholic series that Sophie Kinsella has done. Shopaholic Abroad, Shopaholic Ties the Knot, Shopaholic & Baby, Shopaholic & Sister and The Undomestic Goddess was great. Remember me? was also a good one. I want to get Mini Shopaholic which is the latest one out.


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