
Friday 23 December 2011

I'm just a skater bird - small haul!

Hiya everyone

Only one more day to go to the big day.  I finally finished my christmas shopping today.

I left work early and got the rest of the things I needed to get then Mike and I did the food was so packed.

I must admit I have resisted the early sales so far but tonight I treated myself to a spot of online shopping.............

Missguided Skater Bird Dress - which I have wanted for ages but it was out of stock but tonight it was back in stock...wooo

Also from the Topshop online sale I ordered this Pansy Fit And Flare Dress...very colourful I just hope its not too 'in your face'!

Also I have been after a tan handbag for ages, one that was not too expensive but not cheap looking and one thats quite big and you can put it over your shoulder as hand held ones are annoying when you are shopping etc.
I just happened to be in Peacocks the other day buying my neice a christmas present and spotted 'THE BAG' and it was only £15.00!
Its roomy and looks a lot more expensive than it was.

Last night I had a lovely meal out with the girls, the food and the company was brilliant.

When I got home the lovely Sophie from had sent me a christmas card with an elephant necklace enclosed.  I love elephants and that was such a gorgeous surprise so thankyou so much Sophie thats very kind of you. xx

Well have a very happy christmas everyone and all the best for 2012.



  1. Oooh gorgeous dresses! Hope you have a lovely christmas!
    The shops are horrendous, I went food shopping today and have never been barged up the bum by trolleys so much in my life. You would think the shops were closed for weeks not one day.xx

  2. I ordered that Topshop dress today! Its pretty!
    Have a lovely Christmas! xx

  3. lovely buys as usual.

    Have a very merry christmas hun.

    X x

  4. fab bag and dresses! Have a lovely Christmas! I've got almost everything I need for Christmas, but I did ave to pop into co-op today as Tescos had run out of pringles!!!

  5. Gorgeous bargains - I quite like the topshop dress!

    I'm going to try and avoid the sales this year!!

    Have a good Xmas.

  6. i can see why that Missguided Skater Bird Dress was never in stock - just too cute!

  7. Love the dresses, the Topshop dress is so pretty! x

  8. That bag looks really classy! x


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