
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Oh christmas tree oh christmas tree!

Hello lovelies

Well christmas is not far off now ...exciting! To be honest I am not exactly excited just looking forward to the time off work and being with Mike and Tommy.

Mike and I popped to B&Q tonight and we bought one of those 6ft Pre decorated trees it was in the sale from £40.00 to £10 and then we got 20% off.

We wanted it for our porch.

Thomas decided he quite liked the box!



  1. Wow! you got yourself a great deal on your tree:) I don't really have the space for a tree, so I have a poinsettia :)

  2. What a fantastic price. Looks fab too. I'm looking forward to time off too, but I'm also quite excited as I love Christmas. The whole family part is the best for me.

    X x

    Ps thanks for entering my blog birthday give away. And thanks for the advice ref Christmas outfits. I'm going to shop my own wardrobe and see what I come up with. X x

  3. I love your tree, what a bargain you got there having it reduced from £40.00 to £10.00,

    Bless Tom, my cats like that with boxe's as well, he currently got an obsession with our tree, he just sits and watched the lights twinkling.

  4. We popped into B&Q on the way back from visiting Dad and picked up two poinsettia's for £1.24 each. There were some amazing bargains on the trees.
    Is that Thomas's Xmas pressie? Our's have a stocking hanging up filled with treats. x

  5. What a fab deal on the tree! :)

    i'm not looking forward to xmas either... le sigh.


  6. What a bargain!! Our tree is right in the corner of the room with things in front so Seb can't attack it! x

  7. Aww cats and boxes - a match made in heaven :O)
    Lovely tree!
    Hope you have a fabulous Christmas x


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