
Sunday 4 December 2011

The Versatile Blogger award

Just to say that with regards to my previous post our neighbour came around today and could not thank us enough for calling the fire brigade which was really nice.

Ages ago I was given this award by the lovely Vikki of and Laura of thanks girls ♥ Sorry it has taken so long for me to do this!

1 You have to thank the person that gave you the award and a link back to their blog.
2 Then you have to share 7 facts about yourself.
3 you then have to send the award on to 15 other bloggers whose blogs that you appreciate and then let them know that they have been given the award.

7 facts about me - you may have heard these before!

1, I love animals.

2, I am loving the tv show Pan Am, its so glamorous and romantic! I am an old fashioned girl.

3, I love plaits.

4, I hate shellfish and nuts!

5, I am a worrier in fact I worry so much I worry about what I am going to worry about next! I wish I could stop worrying as sometimes I should be enjoying myself but I am too busy worrying! I also care a lot about things that happen to others or to animals. Even if things don't actually affect me personally they still affect me inside if you know what I mean.

6, My guilty pleasure is watching Sorority Girls on E4! How sad I hear you say, but I would have loved to have been in a Sorority when I was younger.

 Arianna is my favourite Sorority Girl I think she is just so sweet and pretty and just seems really nice.

7, I love clothes and make up and anything girly but hate it when people assume girly girls are shallow and vacant as its not always the case!

I am giving this award to anyone who wants to do this.



  1. I also hate shellfish and nuts and am a massive worrier. I have no idea how to stop worrying and that worries me too. Quite worrying.
    Congrats on your award x

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only worriers.

    X x

  3. I'd forgotten all about Pan-Am over the weekend. That's tonight's viewing sorted. x

  4. I share your worry-pain! I really do worry about things! I am allergic to some shell-fish so I tend to avoid it! I do love learning facts about my fellow bloggers!


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