
Tuesday 26 July 2011

Outfit of the Day - Lace & Flowers

Lace dress, floral belt and floral wedges all from New Look.

I had a bargain with this dress I snapped it up for £5.00 in the sale (originally £35.00) as the zip was broken and it was the only one left, luckily in my size!  A new zip cost me £1.50 and I sewed it myself. 

The job hunting is going ok I have applied for about 8 jobs but the closing dates are all between now and the next 2 weeks...fingers crossed I get something very soon.
I so want to get a job now as I am getting bored there is only so much lazy about you can do before it gets very boring!  I am missing the interaction with people.

The other day I made some chocolate chip muffins

They were delish even though I say so myself.  I had a small bar of dairy milk in the cupboard and thought I would melt it and add it to the top...voila!



  1. Pretty dress, i got 2 new cream dresses this week.
    Good luck with the job hunt, i can understand what you mean about it getting boring lazing around, on my maternity leave before Seb arrived, i was so fed up! Now i have him to keep me busy though! x

  2. That dress is gorgeous! Looks amazing on you and mmmmm choccy muffins!

  3. Em - ooh have you blogged about these new dresses you know I like to see them x

    SC - Thank you x

  4. That cream lace dress is beautiful, I bet it'll look wonderful with your tan boots, too.
    You are doing well what wih baking and applying for jobs, it's so hard to get motivated when you're at home. x

  5. Vix, do you know I was thinking that today that the dress would go well with my new boots in fact to be honest a lot of my dresses would go with them

    I love tan boots more than black as you can wear them with so many things! xx

  6. Very yummy looking cakes.

    Stunning dress and what a bargain! I shall keep everything crossed for you on the job front.

    X x

  7. Yum yum those muffins look delicious. Well done you on the great bargain! And I hope you find a job soon :)

  8. Hi Lisa-Jane! Thank you for visiting my blog!

    I'm impressed you replaced the zipper on this (very cute!) dress. I love to sew, but I hate sewing zippers--I'm not proud of that fact, haha

    Good luck with the job hunt! And the muffins look super yummy :)


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