Anyway back to nicer things, these are my recent orders buys:
This dress from Miss Selfridge which has lycra in so should be a nice fit.

Also I have never been that keen on Next as I always think their stock looks a bit mumsy but looking at the new Spring/Summer stuff I have ordered the following:
Leopard pumps (not keen on animal print on humans but I do love these)

Nautical denim dress (not keen on the bottom half of it though as it looks like Chambray material not proper denim however I do think it will be lovely with pumps in summer)

3/4 length leggings (a must for summer)

Plus I got this bag in Tesco for £2 which I thought would be ideal for carrying lunch and books to work.
Diary WHsmith
Also I popped into Next Clearance this afternoon, usually its a pile of rubbish in there but I had a gift card with £8.00 from ages ago and I brought this bow jumper which will be great for work.
and this cream top which I think will be lovely for summer with skinny jeans (it looks a lot nicer on than off). I just love cream and ruffles xx
Oh well bring on the seems so far away!